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I know that fyros glass is already done by RF but it's just an example of how we can do it.

Item Fyros Matis Zoraï Tryker Marauder
Glass Need some work Done by Ryzom Forge ToDo:Check ToDo:Wip ToDo:Create



Filename Description Screenshot
fy_acc_gobelet_a a glass
Fy acc gobelet a.JPG
Fy_acc_gobelet_b a glass
Fy acc gobelet b.JPG
fy_acc_gobelet_c a glass
Fy acc gobelet c.JPG


Filename Description Screenshot
Fy_acc_gpbar_a Some barrel put together.
Fy acc gpbar a.JPG
fy_acc_gpbar_b Some barrel put together.
Fy acc gpbar b.JPG
Fy_acc_gpfire a Some firework put together with a chest.
Fy acc gpfire a.JPG
fy_acc_gpfire_b Some stuff put together, a lavalamp, a box and a bench with a fyros flag on it.
Fy acc gpfire b.JPG
fy_acc_gpoutils_a Some tools put together with box and two barrel with a plank to make a table .
Fy acc gpoutils a.JPG
fy_acc_gpvente_a A table with a fyros helmet and juke box on it.
Fy acc gpvente a.JPG
fy_acc_gpvente_b Some stuff put together.
Fy acc gpvente b.JPG
fy_cn_tavernebouteilles Stuff around the barman of pyr with bottle on the Shelf and wall and the bar table.
Fy cn tavernebouteilles.JPG

Ryzom Forge


Filename Description Screenshot
Ma_drinkingglass_ingame set of matis glass
Ma drinkingglass ingame.png
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