This page is dedicated to keep track of scheduled changes on Ryzom Wiki and to coordinate them. Also proposals may be here waiting for a decision!
Already done things can be found at Ryzom Commons:Documentation
Auto detect guild icon on guild registry
Unification of config files and extensions
Add Babel extension
Move images from en to commons
Remove all traces of deleted images on en/de
Getting in touch with the developers of all Ryzom tools in order to work out a way to maybe create some sort of website ring. eg.: crosslinking from one project to all the others. --SirCotare 23:36, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
I know, this might be subject to heavy discussions. For now, this topic might be postponed since there is enough work to do (as a result of the commons and de/en wiki merge). However this topic will have to be elaborated at some time.
From my point of view the only reasonable thing to do, is merging the french Ryzom wiki ( with the wikis we have now for en/de and commons. Doing so should not really affect the current system, except for the interwiki language links on the sidebar. However the following points should be clarified:
From a technical point of view I'd love to do this. So nobody has to bother with that then :) --SirCotare 15:51, 8 February 2010 (UTC)
Possibly add priorities to this list like the French wiki.
When we have sorted out Project Lexicon we could possibly make a wiktionary for Ryzom RP languages. Though it will probably require more work than it's worth xD