File list

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:46, 22 February 2019 Cuberanger.png (file) 4 KB Craftjenn Category:Interface imagesRanger, icon, icone, cube, 2016_02_22 1
13:42, 22 February 2019 Ambreranger.png (file) 3 KB Craftjenn Category:Interface images Ranger, icon, icone, amber, q150, pathfinder, 2016_02_22 1
22:00, 15 February 2019 SEclicshapemenu.png (file) 89 KB Craftjenn Category:Interface images SE, Guild Island, ARK, 2016_02_15 1
21:39, 15 February 2019 GI acamp lak.png (file) 1.26 MB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Guild Island, Ile de guilde, Lake, 2019_02_15 1
19:35, 15 February 2019 SErykea-main 2019-02-15.png (file) 70 KB Craftjenn Rykea, SE window, beta, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images Category:ARK 1
19:31, 15 February 2019 Rykea-main.png (file) 37 KB Craftjenn Rykea, main window, beta, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images Category:ARK 1
19:10, 15 February 2019 ARK intent.png (file) 488 KB Craftjenn SE, ARK, Mektoub and intendent, right clic, Guild Islands, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface imagesCategory:ARK 1
18:57, 15 February 2019 SEaddformtool.png (file) 5 KB Craftjenn SE, add form, tools, SE window, Guild Islands, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images ARK 1
18:49, 15 February 2019 GI2SEwindows.png (file) 293 KB Craftjenn SE, 2 windows : SE and SE Shape List, Guild Islands, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
18:27, 15 February 2019 SE group created 2019-02-15 15-07-50.png (file) 26 KB Craftjenn SE, new group created, SE window, Guild Islands, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
18:19, 15 February 2019 GI go2019-02-15.png (file) 580 KB Craftjenn SE, Guild Islands, talk to the Agent and go, lakes, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
18:15, 15 February 2019 GI 2leave.png (file) 113 KB Craftjenn SE, Guild Islands, 2 ways to quit the Islang, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
18:10, 15 February 2019 Collisions.png (file) 142 KB Craftjenn SE, Guild Islands, collision, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
16:37, 15 February 2019 Flyer1902 EN 600px.png (file) 341 KB Craftjenn Category:Ryzom Guide EN, forum, official flyer, 2019_02, Source : 1
16:36, 15 February 2019 Flyer1902 FR.png (file) 342 KB Craftjenn Category:Ryzom Guide FR, forum, flyer officiel, 2019_02, Source : 1
04:55, 15 February 2019 SEmove1.png (file) 43 KB Craftjenn SE, FR, move object 1, Ile de Guilde, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
04:46, 15 February 2019 SEShapeList.png (file) 453 KB Craftjenn SE, FR, SE Shape List, Ile de Guilde, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
04:12, 15 February 2019 SEedit.png (file) 2 KB Craftjenn SE, FR, edit a new group, editer un nouveau groupe, Ile de Guilde, 2016_02_15 Category:Interface images 1
04:07, 15 February 2019 SEaddgroup.png (file) 28 KB Craftjenn SE, FR, main, add group, 2016_02_14 Category:Interface images 1
03:58, 15 February 2019 SEmain.png (file) 38 KB Craftjenn SE, FR, main, avec quelques groupes, 2016_02_14 Category:Interface images 1
03:43, 15 February 2019 IGsouseau.png (file) 143 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Ile de guilde, Isle, FR, lac, sous l'eau, 2019_02_15 1
03:25, 15 February 2019 IGmap2.png (file) 182 KB Craftjenn Map, Ile de guilde exemple, 2016_02_14 Category:Interface images 1
03:20, 15 February 2019 FenGuilde-ile2.png (file) 120 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Category:Interface images FR, Fenêtre Guilde, onglet Ile, sur l'ile, on the map, Guild windows, 2016_02_14 1
03:05, 15 February 2019 IGbigdesert2.png (file) 158 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Ile de guilde, Isle, FR, 2019_02_15, FR 1
02:48, 15 February 2019 IGbigdesert.png (file) 711 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Ile de guilde désert, desert, Isle, FR, 2019_02_15, FR, chat 1
02:32, 15 February 2019 FenGuilde-ile.png (file) 106 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Category:Interface images FR, Fenêtre Guilde, onglet Ile, pas d'ile Guild windows, 2016_02_14 1
02:23, 15 February 2019 IGagentPyr2.png (file) 183 KB Craftjenn Pyr, Guild Island Agent, Agent d'Ile de Guilde, 2019_02_15. Bulle agent, FR Category:Screenshots 1
02:12, 15 February 2019 IGagentPyr.png (file) 282 KB Craftjenn Category:Screenshots Pyr, Guild Island Agent, Agent d'Ile de Guilde, 2019_02_15 1
23:50, 9 February 2019 Djip Silan Map.png (file) 211 KB Craftjenn Map, anomalie, Category:Interface images In Yrkanis, far est on map, I see Silan (Djiper is on Silan) 1
23:48, 9 February 2019 Keidan à Zora.png (file) 455 KB Craftjenn Map, anomalie, Category:Interface images In Yrkanis, far est on map, I see Jungle (my toub in Zora, a team mate in Jungle) 1
18:37, 9 February 2019 TitreAspiRangerInfo 2019-02-09.png (file) 27 KB Craftjenn Category:Interface images FR, Ranger Title, Titre Ranger 1
18:24, 9 February 2019 TitresRangers.png (file) 45 KB Craftjenn Fr, Ranger, Titres Rangers, Inventaire Category:Interface images 1
17:40, 9 February 2019 Ech 1.05 2019-02-09.png (file) 1.72 MB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Echelle d'interface, valeur 1.05, FR Configuration settings in French, Interface scale, value 1.05 Category:Interface images 1
17:38, 9 February 2019 Ech 1.5 2019-02-09.png (file) 1.32 MB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Echelle d'interface, valeur 1.50, FR Configuration settings in French, Interface scale, value 1.50 Category:Interface images 1
17:31, 9 February 2019 Ech 0.95 2019-02-09.png (file) 1.78 MB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Echelle d'interface minimale, valeur 0.95, FR Configuration settings in French, Interface scale, value 0.95 [[Category:I... 1
17:28, 9 February 2019 Ech 0.8 2019-02-09.png (file) 1.87 MB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Category:Interface images Echelle d'inteface minimale, valeur 0.8, FR Configuration settings in French, Interface sca... 1
17:25, 9 February 2019 Ech1 2019-02-09.png (file) 1.74 MB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Category:Interface images Echelle d'inteface normale, valeur 1, FR Configuration settings in French, Interface scale,... 1
16:45, 9 February 2019 Nutpyr2019.png (file) 17 KB Craftjenn Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Ranger Pathway, Pyr, near Karavan Category:Interface images 1
16:19, 9 February 2019 IEquipt2019-02-09.png (file) 289 KB Craftjenn FR Category:Interface images Bug affichage, Inventaire, mauvais bonus. 1
16:05, 9 February 2019 Group deplace.png (file) 61 KB Craftjenn FR, déplacer un groupe d'objet, Move in objetcs group in French, with right clic. Category:Interface images 1
15:58, 9 February 2019 FiltreI toub.png (file) 129 KB Craftjenn Two windows, both have "mektoub only" filter. Both show other stuff, and a right clic on toub. Deux fenêtres, les 2 ont le filtre "mektoub seulement" activé. Les deux montrent d'autres choses, et un clic droit sur mektoub. Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08,... 1
15:51, 9 February 2019 IleGuild nothing.png (file) 67 KB Craftjenn FR, Fenêtre Guilde / Ile : no island text. Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, Guild window in French / Isle part cf Category:Interface images 1
15:44, 9 February 2019 Ap ptguilde.png (file) 190 KB Craftjenn FR, Points de Guilde, Avant-Poste / Bâtiments. Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, cf Category:Interface images 1
15:27, 9 February 2019 FiltreI2019-02-09.png (file) 28 KB Craftjenn Filtre inventaire, Inventory Filter, Patch 3.5.0, 2019-02-08, Jena Year 2602 Patch, cf Category:Interface images 1
19:26, 30 January 2019 Ry conf soundIG.png (file) 133 KB Craftjenn ryzom configuration screen, écran de conf ryzom, FR, 2018, IG, InGame, En jeu category:images 1
19:23, 30 January 2019 Ry conf sound.png (file) 351 KB Craftjenn category:images ryzom configuration screen, écran de conf ryzom, FR, 2018 1
19:22, 29 January 2019 UI premier ecran.png (file) 1.59 MB Craftjenn FR, help, silan, aide, fenetres Category:Interface images 1
19:14, 29 January 2019 Taille police chat.png (file) 319 KB Craftjenn Category:Interface images FR 1
13:13, 29 January 2019 Compas-team2.png (file) 167 KB Craftjenn   2
12:50, 29 January 2019 Bio-contact.png (file) 434 KB Craftjenn P INFOS, bio, contact, 2019, janvier 2019, 4e CA 2601, FR Category:Interface images Category:Screenshots 1
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