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| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Webapps|Webapps]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Webapps|Webapps]]
|--------------------------------------------style="border-top:3px solid gray"
! rowspan="11" |<big><big>'''[[:Category:Lore images|Lore images]]'''</big></big>
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Astronomy images|Astronomy images]]
|--------------------------------------------style="border-top:2px solid black"
| rowspan="5" | [[:Category:Faction lore|Faction lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Kami lore|Kami lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Karavan lore|Karavan lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Marauders lore|Marauders lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Rangers lore|Rangers lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Tryton lore|Tryton lore]]
|--------------------------------------------style="border-top:2px solid black"
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:NPC images|NPC images]]
|--------------------------------------------style="border-top:2px solid black"
| rowspan="4" | [[:Category:Race lore|Race lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Fyros lore|Fyros lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Matis lore|Matis lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Tryker lore|Tryker lore]]
| style="border:none;" | [[:Category:Zoraï lore|Zoraï lore]]

Revision as of 13:06, 28 May 2020

Welcome to Ryzom Commons
A database of 19,678 media files affiliated to Ryzom and Ryzom Wiki.

Commons trunk category (5 first levels) at 2020-05-28

Please do not create categories without checking that there is at least one that is right for you.

If you really think you need to create a category, try to follow the spirit of the category tree here, and, in any case, the categories must belong to the main shaded categories (first or second level in the tree structure).

In the common atys.wiki.ryzom, some rare categories are hidden to avoid spoil.

This icon show the root categories
🇬🇧 This icon show the root categories (there's 5 roots on common). Common is in English. Tips for non-English speakers#in English

🇫🇷 Cette icone indique les catégories racines (il y en a 5). Common est en Anglais, voir Astuces pour les Francais
🇩🇪 Dieses Symbol zeigt die Wurzelkategorien an (es gibt 5). Gebräuchlich ist die englische Sprache, siehe Tipps für die Deutschen

To temp other pages User:Craftjenn/common Main page • 🇫🇷 Ryzom Commons:A propos (TODO: update the protected 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 ) • Help pages: Help:Useful Special pages


Ryzom Community Wiki

Apartment images Apartment Interface images
Atysmas 2010 apartment images‎
Fyros apartment images‎
Halloween 2010 apartment images
Matis apartment images
Tryker apartment images‎
Zoraï apartment images‎
Cosmetic images Hair images Fyros hair images
Matis hair images
Tryker hair images
Zoraï hair images
Tattoo images Fyros tattoo images
Matis tattoo images
Tryker tattoo images
Zoraï tattoo images
Ecological images A study of Flora and Fauna on Atys
Boss images
Botanical images Desert plants
Forest plants
Jungle plants
Kitins' Lair
Lakelands plants
Lou Tei-Sang's herbarium
Prime Roots plants
Mob renders
Primitive Races images
Zoological images Kitin images
Event images Atysmas 2009 images,

Atysmas 2010 images...

Cuiccio Perinia Presents Event images
Dark Preparations Event images
Event 2019
Event Chain images Tears of the Emperor Event images
Water Woes Event Chain images
Fragrant Gift Event images
Halloween 2009 images,

Halloween 2010 images...

It's hard to say Gibbaï Event images
Karavan Researcher (2011/06/18) Event images
Ultimate Provocation Event images
Fyros images
Geographical images Map images Region maps
Town maps
Outpost images
Pyr images
Icon images Atys symbol
Crafting Components icons
Crafting Plans icons
Crafting Tools icons
Faction icons
Flag images
Item base icons
Material icon images
Misc icon images
Mission Items icons
Mission Rewards icons
OP produce icons
Occupations icons
Ring icons
Seed symbol
Stanzas icons Spells icons
Interface images Apartment Interface images
Ryzom Guide
Kami images
Karavan images

I.e. With significant local language in the image

EncyclopDE Ruinen von Silan - Beginner Guide
Silan Anleitung
EncyclopFR Occupations
Silan fr images
Tutorial Lessons
Marauders images
Matis images
Obsolete Lost+found
Ring images Ring Interface images
Ring assets
Primes raider images
Rangers images
Silan images

And also many images in the Silan guides in: DE, EN, ES, FR, RU

Special images Animation images
Organization images
Patch Patch Effects
Patch Effects FR
Tasks Craft Armor crafting
Magic images Enchant
Magic GIF
Spell Animation images
Tribe images Tribe emblems
Trykers images
Trytonist images
User images Guild Island
Guild images Guild icons
Homins images Arionasis-Teenemai


User work Team
Screenshot images
Zoraïs images
Forge Armanent images
Client installation
Image texture
Ryzom Core images
Ryzom Forge RC
Ryzom Forge images ARK images
Forge Icon images